VS-ELEKTRON spol. s.r.o.

Ludvíkovská 708, 463 65 Nové Město pod Smrkem

IČ: 26424754

DIČ: CZ26424754

For orders, please contact us at sukd@vs-elektron.cz or call (+420) 607 101 893


Owner and CEO of the company:
  • Karel Suk
  • (+420) 724 030 852
  • sukk@vs-elektron.cz
Director and CEO of the company:
  • Lukáš Suk
  • (+420) 721 685 840
  • sukl@vs-elektron.cz
Technical and Financial Director:
  • Luboš Suk
  • (+420) 607 101 893
  • sukd@vs-elektron.cz
Production Coordinator:
  • Jiřina Jalovičarová
  • (+420) 602 366 017
  • jalovicarova@vs-elektron.cz
Shop manager:
  • Jiřina Jalovičarová
  • (+420) 602 366 017
  • jalovicarova@vs-elektron.cz

Contact us

If you are interested in our products or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

See where to find us

If you prefer personal contact and would prefer to meet us in person, you can find us at the address of our establishment.